We provide support to companies in various life cycles and situations when their own resources are limited or inefficient to implement on projects unrelated to their core business. Our Transaction services represent:
- M&A, buying, selling or merging companies, raising capital, company' evaluation, carrying out DDU (due diligence) on behalf of investors before a company's acquisition. We also carry out various restructuring projects, reorganizations, liquidation of entities and disposal of assets, capitalizing debts, advising on investments in real estate or securities. On request, we may provide Forensic audits, incl. “Sanctions” and “AML procedures” sections, as well as provide services of a financial or tax expert in courts or arbitrations.
Every asset's got value, even if you don't see it straight away. We're here to help you uncover and make the most of that value! Let's work together to bring out the best and make you happy.
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